Cancer Information

Welcome to our Cancer Information page! This page is not about offering any cures or making promises about recovery. It is purely filled with information for you to make an informed decision about your health.


1: Killing Cancer Not People

Dr Bob Wright is the Director/Founder, American Anti-Cancer Institute. He offers a wealth of information regarding cancer, cancer recovery and prevention of cancer. 

Please Note at the time of this recording, Enagic's Flagship product, the K8 model, was not available. Please ask the person who shared this information with you for more details.


Recovery from Cancer

Joe Dollard did not come across Alkaline Ionised Water until he was receiving the last few rounds of chemotherapy. He shares about the difference he experienced during his recovery and chemotherapy before and after he started drinking Kangen water. 

Are You Ready For The Next Step? 

If you said yes please get back in touch with the person who shared this information with you!


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Two Step

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